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Arvind Devalia


Arvind Devalia is an extraordinary coach, prolific blogger and best-selling author of “Get the Life you Love“.

Actually, he is an everyday, ordinary guy with a gold medal from the school of knocks – also known as LIFE.

However, what makes Arvind who he is, is his total commitment to creating an extra-ordinary life for himself and his clients. And he is passionate and deeply committed to contributing to everyone who attends his workshops.

Arvind has worked for multinationals, family-owned businesses, restaurants and even moonlighted for a football club. And he has written and published best-selling books, created a world class blog, spoken in front of 1000s of people and raised £££s for various children charities.

Along this life journey, Arvind’s life ethos has been his 4Cs – Compassion, Contribution, Connection and Celebration.

Come. Join us on our retreats.

Let’s dance together in the game of life for a few hours.

Magic will happen.

And none of us will ever be the same again.

Remember that your life counts – and make it count.
You are unique – there is no one like you on this planet
Never has been and never will be.
Do not sell yourself short.
Do not sell the world short.
This is your life – love it, live it.
One life, one chance – grab it.
Get the life you love – and live it” – Arvind Devalia